F-TELL: Your global privilege

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One F-Tell SIM card allows you to get an unlimited quantity of phone numbers, including internet and mobile services, with no roaming

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Description of the main tariff plans “V-1”, “V-2”, “V-3”, “V-MAX”, “V-BUSINESS” for F-TELL subscribers

  • The basic tariff plan includes 2 numbers: Russian and foreign to choose from, as well as 51 countries of roaming-free space (Home Zone*). (* “Home Zone” are countries in whose territory prepaid communication service packages are valid, namely voice calls , mobile Internet, outgoing SMS).
  • The subscriber will be able to add/purchase an unlimited number of international telephone numbers through the “Multi-numbers” Service. As part of this service, the subscriber can select a second or more additional telephone numbers of Category 1 and 2. Connection of a telephone number of Category 1 and 2, ordering, payment for connection and use of telephone numbers are carried out in accordance with the approved “Description of the service “Multi-numbers” .
  • If the volume of services included in the subscription fee is exhausted before the end of the billing period (1 (one) calendar month) at the basic tariffs “V-1”, “V-2”, “V-3”, “V-MAX”, “V” -BUSSINESS”, as well as when the subscriber moves outside the “Home Zone”, all services are charged according to the terms of per-minute, per-megabyte, piece-by-piece tariffs (for Voice, Data, SMS services) until a zero balance is reached or the credit limit is exhausted in accordance with Tariff calculator .
  • The "ELON" tariff plan includes 1 US mobile number and 1 Russian mobile number. Activation of a US mobile number is only possible when connecting a Russian number. When using the main tariff “ELON”, all calls, SMS and Internet use are paid on a per-use basis, that is, for services actually provided according to Tariff calculator .
  • Tariff plans “V-1”, “V-2”, “V-3”, “V-MAX”, “ELON” are valid for both individual subscribers and legal entities. For individual subscribers, an advance payment procedure has been established.
  • The “V-BUSSINESS” tariff plan is valid for legal entity subscribers. For legal entity subscribers, an advance or credit payment method can be established.
  • Tariff plans include packages of voice calls, SMS and data transfers in the amount established by the corresponding tariff plan, which are provided monthly from the moment the subscriber concludes an agreement for the provision of communication services or switches to this tariff plan, but not earlier than the date of entry into force of the specified tariff plans . The balance of service packages included in tariff plans that are not used in the current month is not carried over to the next month.
  • Within the framework of tariff plans “V-1”, “V-2”, “V-3”, “V-MAX”, “V-BUSSINESS”, “ELON”, it is possible to connect an additional number through the “Multi-number” Service provided by partner* of Global Telecom LLC. (*Partner is a legal entity that provides subscribers with “Multi-numbers” services in accordance with the agreement concluded with Global Telecom LLC). The subscriber can select partner phone numbers in accordance with the terms of the “Multi-numbers” service. The service is provided free of charge, subject to timely payment of the subscription fee according to the main tariff plan. The Service is written off on the last day of the calendar month if there are funds on the balance to be written off. As part of the "Multi-numbers" service, the subscriber can choose a second or more additional telephone numbers of a partner of Category 1 and 2. Connection of a telephone number of Category 1 and 2, ordering, payment for connection and use of telephone numbers are carried out in accordance with the approved “Description of the “Multi-numbers” service.
  • Tariffing inside and outside of packages for voice calls is per minute, for SMS – per piece, for mobile data transfers – per megabyte.
  • When located on the territory of the Russian Federation, telephone connections of less than 3 (three) seconds are not charged.
  • The billing period is 1 (one) calendar month in which communication services were provided.
  • The subscription fee is debited from the personal account monthly on the first day of each calendar month in full, subject to the availability of funds in the subscriber’s personal account. Hereinafter, the subscription fee means the amount of monthly payments for all services included in the Subscriber’s tariff plan.
  • At the moment of connecting a tariff plan, the monthly fee for the tariff plan is debited from the Subscriber’s personal account in an amount proportional to the balance of calendar days of the current month of connection. The volume of services included in the tariff plan is provided in an amount proportional to the balance of calendar days of the current month of connection.
  • If the volume of services included in the subscription fee is exhausted before the end of the billing period, services are charged in accordance with Tariffing calculator.
  • If, at the time of charging the monthly subscription fee, access to communication services was suspended due to the blocking of the personal account, at the time the blocking is released on any day of the billing period, the subscription fee is charged in full for the current month according to the terms of the current tariff plan, service packages as well are accrued in full.
  • The subscription fee for the tariff plan is not charged only if the blocking was for a full calendar month from the first to the last day inclusive.
  • Connection and transition to tariff plans is carried out by the Personal Manager or independently in the Personal Account on the website or in the application.
  • In marketing communications, the name of tariff plans can be changed and approved in a separate document.
  • Changing the tariff plan is free and possible on any day of the billing period, provided there are sufficient funds in the subscriber’s personal account.
  • If the tariff plan is changed during the billing period, the remaining unused traffic for service packages under the previous tariff plan is reset to zero.
  • If the tariff plan is changed during the billing period, the subscription fee for the previous tariff is not refunded.
  • Failure to receive funds to the Subscriber's Personal Account within 180 (one hundred and eighty) days in an amount sufficient to charge the monthly subscription fee in accordance with the tariff plan, after suspension of the provision of Services, is the Subscriber's unilateral refusal to fulfill the Agreement and entails its automatic termination .
  • Availability/limitations of main packages within the tariff plan:
    1. If there are sufficient funds in the subscriber's personal account at the time the subscription fee is charged, packages are available.
    2. For cases with a new billing period on the 1st (first) day of the calendar month for existing and new subscribers, the subscription fee is debited in a lump sum in the entire amount according to the cost of the main package of services from the subscriber’s personal account. Funds are debited for the subscription fee at the established rate on the first day of the month. If there are enough funds in the subscriber’s account for debiting, the balance is equal to or greater than the full cost of the subscription fee for the tariff plan, the AP is debited and the volumes of Voice, SMS, Data traffic are accrued in accordance with the selected tariff plan in full. If there are insufficient funds on the balance of an existing subscriber, no debit occurs, the personal account is blocked, and service packages are not credited.
    3. For cases with the current billing period for a new subscriber. Connection on any date except the 1st (first) day of the calendar month. The subscription fee is debited according to the cost of the main package of services from the subscriber’s personal account. Funds are written off at a time in the entire amount at the established rate, calculated in proportion to the remaining days in the reporting period (the reporting period is equal to 1 (one) calendar month) until the last calendar day in the billing period inclusive, at 00:00:01 (hh:mm:ss) . In this case, the volume of the service package is not charged in full, but in a volume calculated in proportion to the number of remaining days in the billing period in accordance with the selected tariff plan. In this case, the subscriber’s account must be topped up with an amount equal to the amount of the subscription fee.
    4. For cases with the current billing period for an existing subscriber. If there are insufficient funds on the subscriber's balance for debiting, or the balance is less than the subscription fee for the tariff plan, no debiting occurs, the personal account is blocked, and service packages are not credited. If there are enough funds in the subscriber’s account for debiting - greater than or equal to the amount of the subscription fee for the tariff plan, the subscription fee is debited in full and the subscriber is credited with a package of services in accordance with the selected tariff plan in full.
    5. Traffic volumes for three types of services included in the tariff plan are provided at a time.
    6. In the absence of any type of blocking on the subscriber's personal account, packages are available.
  • Rules for using basic traffic packages:
    1. The billing period is 1 (one) calendar month
    2. The tariff plan can be changed on any day of the month. When connecting to a new tariff plan or changing the tariff plan on any day of the month, the volumes of the main traffic packages included in the subscription fee and the amount of the subscription fee for the tariff plan are provided on a pro rata basis for the remaining days of the month.
    3. For tariff plans used to service F-Tell subscribers, the concept of “Home Zone” is used. “Home Zone” are countries in which prepaid communication service packages are available, namely voice calls, mobile Internet, outgoing SMS.
    4. When you are in the “Home Zone” countries and the basic package of services within the tariff plan is valid, all outgoing calls are considered outgoing international calls, with the exception of calls to numbers with premium services and satellite destinations. Calls to premium numbers and satellite destinations do not consume the package of minutes; charging occurs at prices above the package in accordance with Tariffing calculator.
    5. When the main prepaid traffic packages are exhausted, charging is carried out in accordance with Tariffing calculator.
    6. When the subscriber is outside the “Home Zone”, charging is made for each transaction (outgoing voice call, mobile Internet session, sending SMS) separately in accordance with the terms of the tariff plan.
    7. If the volume of Voice traffic (Data, SMS traffic is available) within the main tariff package is exhausted, the write-off occurs according to the terms of per-minute billing until the zero balance is reached or the credit limit is exhausted.
    8. If the volume of Data traffic (Voice, SMS traffic is available) within the main tariff package is exhausted, the write-off occurs according to the terms of per-megabyte pricing until the balance reaches zero or the credit limit is exhausted.
    9. If the volume of SMS traffic (Voice, Data traffic is available) within the main tariff package is exhausted, the write-off occurs according to the terms of the piece tariff until the zero balance is reached or the credit limit is exhausted.
    10. When a subscriber moves outside the “Home Zone”, traffic packages according to the tariff plan are not consumed. All services are written off according to the terms of per-minute, per-megabyte, piece-by-piece tariffication (for Voice, Data, SMS services) until a zero balance is reached or the credit limit is exhausted in accordance with Tariffing calculator.
    11. For the case when the subscriber has exhausted the Voice traffic in the package (Data and SMS traffic is available) and when the subscriber reaches a zero balance or credit limit threshold, the service that has ended in the main package, in this case Voice, is blocked. The Data and SMS service is available in accordance with the established traffic volumes according to the tariff plan. In this case, the Voice service may be available within the framework of the rules for the provision of services with a zero balance.
    12. For the case when the subscriber has exhausted the Data traffic in the package (Voice and SMS traffic is available) and when the subscriber reaches a zero balance or credit limit threshold, the service that has ended in the package, in this case Data, is blocked. The Voice and SMS service is available in accordance with the established traffic volumes according to the tariff plan. In this case, the data service may be available within the framework of the rules for the provision of services with a zero balance.
    13. For the case when the subscriber has exhausted the SMS traffic in the package (Voice, Data traffic is available) and when the subscriber reaches a zero balance or credit limit threshold, the service that has ended in the package, in this case SMS, is blocked. The Voice and Data service is available in accordance with the established traffic volumes according to the tariff plan. In this case, the SMS service may be available within the framework of the rules for the provision of services with a zero balance.

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