Our clients

We believe that a mobile communication service should be as unique as you are.

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    Entrepreneurs, business community, travelers

    We created our product to enable business owners do more in less time. F-Tell helps entrepreneurs by streamlining workflows so they can focus on what they do best: running their businesses.

    Entrepreneurs operating in foreign markets often have to communicate with partners around the world. Offering a foreign counterpart your local contact phone number of their local country is the first step to working together successfully and a demonstration of your commitment to doing business in their country.

    Having a local cell phone number of the country in question allows travelers to feel at home and receive the undeniable benefits and advantages of using local services (e.g., calling a taxi, ordering deliveries, etc.).

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    Employees of international organizations, diplomats

    We believe in diplomacy and its power and potential to change the world for the better. We have seen time and again how this can lead to positive change in society.

    Effective communication is one of the main tools in international relations. Our product is designed to make the life and work of diplomats and staff of international organizations easier, enabling them to have more time and cope with multitasking, while remaining highly productive. The ability to simultaneously manage mobile services in different countries on a single device as well as to track all your activities without being tied to a specific location gives you a sense of control.

    In addition, the F-Tell service instantly turns you into a local in any community or country where you need to build rapport, since Smart CLI technology allows for the Caller ID on your contact’s device, in any country, to automatically display your local number of their country.

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    Students abroad

    Our goal is to help make your study abroad experience as comfortable as possible. We know that for many students, the university is a time of tremendous growth and change. It is also a time of dealing with a lot of stresses in an unfamiliar setting, whether it is finding housing or choosing insurance.

    Our product will help you adapt to a foreign country by becoming a local for visa officers, professors, classmates, landlords, local delivery services, or cab companies in the shortest possible time. F-Tell service is a mechanism for effective management of your time and resources in a new place.

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    No matter what part of the globe you live in, feeling close to home is an important part of who you are. We understand the importance of staying connected to your roots. Keeping in contact with the people and places you love allows us to preserve traditions, culture, and identity.

    We know what it is like to be away from home, and we want to help make the distance feel smaller. F-Tell's mission is to ensure that you can stay in touch with the people you love, seamlessly and continuously.

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    Our family is always there for us. It is our support system, the rock we rely on even when we are apart. As the world becomes more and more connected, it is important to have a reliable cell service that can keep up. There is comfort in knowing that no matter in which part of the world our loved ones are, they are just a call away.
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    Our friends are some of the most important people in our lives. They are the ones we turn to when we need support or advice. They celebrate our successes with us and help us through whatever life throws our way. Staying in touch with our friends is crucial. It feels great to know that we can always count on them, no matter what.
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